Sunday's pilgrimage to New Jersey was exciting. Conditions were decent, depending on location. There was a warm winter sun with a chilling offshore breeze. Good times were definitely had.
The myth of travel affects us all. We all seek out exciting adventures whether we're with our best friends or alone. Turtles, Montauk was the place to be on that frigid December morning.
Who am I?
Confusion is a lack of clearness or distinctness and it affects all 6,706,993,152 people of the world at different times throughout their lives. Most suffer from severe confusion in their adolescent and early adulthood. It occurs because one is not sure of the road that lies ahead of them. Career is an intimidating word which leaves many in a state of uncertainty. You don't have to Graduate from Harvard Law to have a career. And you should NEVER hate your job. If you already do, than it's time for a change. Ask yourself; What am I good at? What do I love to do? And Finally ask yourself; What's better than getting paid for doing what you love? If you love your career than you can dismiss the word job, and replace it with passion.
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