Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

One year ago

This man was sitting on a bench having a conversation with himself on the Long Beach Boardwalk. I wonder what he was saying. It was probably an interesting moment of time due to that hand gesture. There's a sharp contrast between black and white in this photograph. I believe this is a perfect capture of a divine moment in time. For all we know he could of been having an in depth symposium with himself about mind-control or quantum physics. Nobody will ever know what was truly said... except for him.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Are we alone in the Universe

A few months ago I conducted research on UFO sightings. I found a lot of interesting information regarding yearly sightings, sightings by state, and various polls. I designed 3 graphs depicting this information in an organized and professional manner. When I announced my topic being UFOs there were some laughs of ridicule and uncertainty from my classmates. However, I was not intimidated. I spent over 8 hours designing and calculating the information presented above. During the final critique, I was very confident in my presentation and the overall design was very successful. I am sure those who had laughed earlier on are now believers in UFOs.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

If Wisdom teeth are so wise, why can't they grow in correctly?

My summer vacation in New York is half over. And tomorrow I have to get oral surgery because I have four impacted wisdom teeth. I'm taking it easy tonight so I decided to add a few more pictures from my trip to Upstate New York.